An emo/pop/punk band from Corona, California.
The stars of Temporary Stars, Anthony (right) and Scott (left) rocking out.Anthony - Lead Vocals/Bass
Scott - Lead Guitar/Backup Vocals
We are playing the Showcase on 1/7/00 in Corona! Email Anthony at to get tickets before the show or just show up at Showcase and make sure you tell them you are there to see Temporary Stars!12/22/00
This just in! Temporary Stars are all over Napster! Please search for us and add us to your playlist! JeffPatch and NorcoED02 are on 24/7 with cable connections. Please disconnect/reconnect until you find one of them on! Please let other people download us from you!The songs are titled
- Second Chance
- Trying Times
- The One
- Forever
- Ill Angel
Copywrite 2000 - Jeffery M. Patch - JMP Designs -